Sunday, August 29, 2010

L.Powell Pictures!

Our Lake Powell Trip!!!

This summer we got to finish our trip to Utah off with a trip to Lake Powell (a favorite spot for Jaron). I was so excited to Jaron to enjoy some of his favorite things; water-skiing, water-skiing and water-skiing but I must admit I was terrified to take my kiddos. Thomas is so quiet and quick and he thinks he can do anything. With a lot of team-work between Jer and I and help from family I am happy to tell you that Thomas is still alive and we had a great time!
Miaja's favorite was swimming and riding on the tube. Chase's favorite was the tube and a little place the kids discovered which they named "Dolphino Island". Ayden loved making sand castles and watching the fish (just a note...the fish are really ugly and have to constantly remind myself that they "aren't" swimming all-around my body as I swim). Thomas favorite was watching me chase after him and swimming in the water. Jaron is sleeping right now but I'm going to have to guess that his favorite was water-skiing and getting time off from work just to be with family. My favorite was seeing my kids and husband smile and as "mother-like" as that sounds it's true. I loved watching Miaja smile as she jumped off that way too high cliff and Chase when he finally got on the tube and had a great time! I love seeing Jaron smile as he skied and watched others. I also loved being with family and catching-up. Chatting with my sister-in-laws and Bonny was really fun! We all missed Amanda (but she was home with their new little baby).
We all had a WONDERFUL time!

Coombs Family 2010

While we were visiting in Utah this summer Jaron's parents had all of their children in town at the same time so we got take a big Coombs family picture. We took our own pictures while others were having their turns with the professional! I love taking pictures of my kids so we had a blast. Here's just a few!

Monday, August 23, 2010

First Half (or so) of Summer

First Half (or so) of Summer

We were blessed with one of the greatest summers yet! From fabulous days at the pool to a fantastic visit with family. Jaron, the kids and I were sad to say good-bye to another summer (but we look forward to an awesome school year).
It has taken me four nights to put together this video so, although it is incomplete, I had to show the fruits of my "labors". I will get to work on the other half soon.
I just have to say that as Jaron and I held the 2nd Annual Back-to-School Bash (pictures to come) I couldn't help but feel so incredibly fortunate to have seen, done, felt, learned, laughed and loved as much as we did summer of 2010. I really love these pictures because those faces and those moments still cling to my heart and make me smile just thinking about them.
Good-bye summer...we love you and will anticipate your return!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Nine Years!!!

What an incredible nine years...I consider myself a blessing girl!
When Ayden was a baby

This seems like so long ago, when it was Miaja and Chase in Maine
Boy we had no idea what was ahead of us...three boys to protect our precious daughter!!
Here's where it all began for us

Jaron & I
So on the eighteenth Jaron and I celebrated our ninth anniversary and he made it such a special day for us. From a HEALTHY and really delicious breakfast to swimming with the kids and friends to eating way too much at this incredible seafood restaurant downtown we had such an great time.

We talked a lot about how quickly the time has past and what we see happening over the next nine years and I felt myself overwhelmed with
gratitude. Jaron and I have been through so much together and although I swore I couldn't love him more the day we got married I can't even describe how our hearts have grown together over these past few years. Through moves and babies, school and residency, trials and joys-we have found ourselves still in-love.

Happy Anniversary Jer.
I love you.