Sunday, July 31, 2011

My parents came-out for Miaja's baptism then stayed for about a week more. It was really great because usually the visits are just after I've had a baby so I'm my self completely so we had such a great time! My kids love their grandparents and they have every reason too!

Miaja's always such a great helper...esp. w/Thomas!
(A sister at church asked me if she was baby-sitting yet and I almost cried...not for like ten years right!)

Ayden soakin' up the grandma & grandpa time!

We took grandma & grandpa on the Alamo tour and this is just on the grounds there. It's the greenest place in San Antonio!

We found these coolest caves and had such a great time cooling off inside them!

Don't know if I'd do the whole cave experience without additional help..that whole "don't let your kids touch ANYTHING doesn't quite sink-in with Thomas. Mom was a life-saver!

Grandma & grandpa make everything fun! These kids had such a great time!

Thank heavens for the ONE spot that our guide said, "your kids are welcome to touch the rock here." You might of guessed there were rushing to grab free tickets to Disneyland...they touched it as long as they possibly could! So funny!

Finally got a picture of grandpa, kind of. He was tricking me each time a went to get a pic. of him! Thank heavens he's tall!

Chase...isn't he handsome! Love my boy!

So there was a random dinosaur outside of the caves but hey made a fun picture!

(More random catch-up pictures to come!!!!!)

Just another blog catch-up!!!

All I have to say is we've been havin' us some fun!!! I've missed blogging about so much but it still has happened and it's been great! Mostly I don't want any of my kiddos to look back at the blog and say, " forgot my birthday!" or "What about our summer vacation?" We're old school and do scrapbooks but just in-case of's our back-up!