Sunday, August 23, 2009

Schools starting...

So last night I was watching a Cosby show re-run (I have a thing for the Cosby show...I love it!), while I ironed the Sunday clothes and it the episode when Theo graduates from high school and gets ready to leave for college. Well, seeing that tomorrow my little girl starts school and I am going to miss her way too much I cried through the entire episode! I am really going to miss my little organizer and HUGE helper. I have really enjoyed having her home this summer and can't wait, alraedy, for this coming weekend! I am so grateful for my kids (and the Cosby show)!

1 comment:

Shay said...

Christy, I cannot believe how big the kids are getting and I am not there to share any of it with you. I miss your family so much, just the fact that Ayden could lock himself in the car is crazy. I am wishing you better lcuk in the future.