Friday, September 23, 2011

Lake Tahoe Reunion-2011

The Vorkink Family Reunion 2011
This past summer was filled with adventures and as I slowly make my way down the memories I get teary thinking about all of the fun that we had at the Vorkink Family Reunion at
Lake Tahoe
This year Jaron and I and my sister Lorrie got to plan the reunion and it really was so much fun! I love my love them so much that I have always considered one of my greatest "talents" my family:) I know that sounds a little silly but most good things in one way or another has come from me being a part of such an amazing family. I still feel that way. So getting plan our family reunion was so exciting!
We selfishly chose Tahoe Tahoe because our family CRAVED mountains and water and trees and all those things that San Antonio, as much as we love it, seems to be missing.

This is where the road started for us! I never imagined I would have my family (Jaron, the kids and I) all in a car with my wonderful parents AND my sister Lorrie! What an adventure! There were a few "bumps" in the road (a blown tire and a ruined bike...just to name a couple:)), but I loved having us all together. Actually, Miaja and Chase drove with cousins so we all could have seat belts but they were in my heart!!!

Can you see that trailor behind Jer, Ayden and I...that was quite the contraption. Jaron is one of the greatest packers ever and he did an awesome job of fitting EVERYTHING on it!

This is the cabin that we rented for the week! It was so great! It had a bazillion rooms (7 plus a loft to be exact), it had two hot tubs and the back yard was was a forested area. I thought it was beautiful!

Here's a shot of some of us enjoying the sun on the back porch! Although the home was HUGE there was no one room that could possibly fit all of us!

Many of the older kids often ate out back.

Jaron helping Thomas at the cousin gift exchange

Jaron had the great idea of bringing our hammock and the kids LOVED it! I think a few adults took advantage of it as well!
So through-out the week each family organized various activities. This night was the Win-It-In-A-Minute game night...we all got into it! This game you had to keep several balloons of the ground for a minute. This is Alexis and Ayden.

My dad and I were partners for this game

My mom and nephew Bryan taking their turn! I love watching everyone's faces.

Lorrie attempting another Win-It-In-A-Minute game
Hannah and Miaja in the background
My brother Keith's daughter Elizabeth. She is such a cute girl and so cute with the kids!

Another favorite was the family skits...This was my oldest sisters family, The Birkholz..they put on quite the show!
Keith and Marcie and kids performing their skit
....I'll have to finish tomorrow it's past my bedtime!!! Love looking at these fun pictures! Family is the greatest!

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